Full Stack Software Developer
- No Registry Docker Deployments
- Copy and Paste Driven Development
- Functional XML editing using zippers in Clojure
- Kitekit: A Framework for Hyperpersonalised Fiction
- My Strange Loop 2013: Part 1
- UX Innovation in Unexpected Places: The Cash Machine
- Doxy: A Google Spreadsheets JSON Proxy
- PostgreSQL and pgRouting: assign_vertex_id has been renamed to pgr_assign_vertex_id
- Upgrading to Django 1.5 Tip
- A Better Gmail
- Git - Merge last branch into master
- Speed Up Pushing to GitHub
- UKUncooked: Foursquare App
- Bigv.io Pricing Calculator App
- Leveson Word Cloud
- The Data Dress
- Berlin Hack'n'tell
- Clojure Implementation for Cowboy Websocket Benchmark
- Non-Blocking PubSub in Python using Redis
- Geo-Peeking: Dealing with Ambiguous Place Names when Geocoding
- Javascript Page Reload with Cross Browser Compatibility
- Hyper-Personalisation of Fiction