Ravi Kotecha

Functional XML editing using zippers in Clojure

Since the Clojure documentation for clojure.zip is so bad I thought I'd walk through an example of editing some XML using a zipper.

First off you'll need to add a few dependencies to your project.clj:

(defproject zipper-demo "0.1.0"
  :description "An example app to show how to edit XML in Clojure using Zippers"
  :url "https://github.com/r4vi/zipper-demo/"
  :license {:name "WTFPL – Do What the Fuck You Want to Public License"
            :url "http://www.wtfpl.net"}
  :dependencies [[org.clojure/clojure "1.5.1"]
                 [org.clojure/data.xml "0.0.7"]
                 [org.clojure/data.zip "0.1.1"]])

then open up src/core.clj and require them.

(ns zipper-demo.core
   [clojure.zip :as zip]
   [clojure.data.zip.xml :as zx]
   [clojure.data.xml :as xml]))

So what do they do?

  (def nested-vecs
     [:bar :baz [:bork]]])

;; now let's make a zipper
zipper-demo.core> (def z
  (zip/vector-zip nested-vecs))

zipper-demo.core> (-> z
;;=> :foo

;; move one step down from the head
;;  left side <-----------  | -------> right side
;; [:foo  *<-- we are here*  [:bar :baz [:bork]]]

zipper-demo.core> (-> z
;; [:bar :baz [:bork]]
;; [:foo [:bar :baz [:bork]] *<-- we are here*]

;; lets move to the :bork leaf
zipper-demo.core> (-> z
;; :bork

;; we can edit too
zipper-demo.core> (-> z
                     (zip/edit #(clojure.string/upper-case %))
;; :BORK

;; to get the entire (edited) structure back we can do this

zipper-demo.core> (-> z
                     (zip/edit #(clojure.string/upper-case %))
;; [:foo [:bar :baz [":BORK"]]]

I would recommend using clojure.data.xml to parse xml rather than clojure.xml which seems like a toy library, because it doesn't output to a stream but actually prints the xml to the console when parsing so you need to wrap it with-out-str, when you output xml it doesn't escape xml entities so you end up with invalid xml and it's not lazy so huge xml files will make it choke.

If you wanted to load a file in your resources directory called pokemon.xml, do the following:

zipper-demo.core> (def pokemon
                    (-> "pokemon.xml"

;; #'zipper-demo.core/pokemon
;; this returns an element tree, each element has a :tag, :attrs and
;; :content

zipper-demo.core> (keys pokemon)
;; (:tag :attrs :content)
;; we can explore the data like this
zipper-demo.core> (first (:content pokemon))
;;{:tag :pokemon,
;; :attrs {:id "1"},
;; :content
;; ({:tag :name, :attrs {}, :content ("BULBASAUR")}
;;  {:tag :type, :attrs {}, :content ("Grass")}
;;  {:tag :type, :attrs {}, :content ("Poison")}
;;  {:tag :ability, :attrs {}, :content ("Overgrow")}
;;  {:tag :exp, :attrs {}, :content ("1059860")}
;;  {:tag :stats,
;;   :attrs {},
;;   :content
;;   ({:tag :HP, :attrs {}, :content ("45")}
;;    {:tag :ATK, :attrs {}, :content ("49")}
;;    {:tag :DEF, :attrs {}, :content ("49")}
;;    {:tag :SPD, :attrs {}, :content ("45")}
;;    {:tag :SAT, :attrs {}, :content ("65")}
;;    {:tag :SDF, :attrs {}, :content ("65")})}
;;  {:tag :evolutions,
;;   :attrs {},
;;   :content
;;   ({:tag :evolution,
;;     :attrs {:id "1"},
;;     :content ({:tag :name, :attrs {}, :content ("Bulbasaur")})}
;;    {:tag :evolution,
;;     :attrs {:id "2"},
;;     :content
;;     ({:tag :name, :attrs {}, :content ("Ivysaur")}
;;      {:tag :lvl, :attrs {}, :content ("16")})}
;;    {:tag :evolution,
;;     :attrs {:id "3"},
;;     :content
;;     ({:tag :name, :attrs {}, :content ("Venusaur")}
;;      {:tag :lvl, :attrs {}, :content ("32")})})}
;;  {:tag :ratio,
;;   :attrs {},
;;   :content
;;   ({:tag :male, :attrs {}, :content ("87.5")}
;;    {:tag :female, :attrs {}, :content ("12.5")})}
;;  {:tag :egg-group, :attrs {}, :content ("Monster")}
;;  {:tag :egg-group, :attrs {}, :content ("Grass")}
;;  {:tag :species, :attrs {}, :content ("Seed Pokemon")}
;;  {:tag :height, :attrs {}, :content ("0.7")}
;;  {:tag :weight, :attrs {}, :content ("6.9")}
;;  {:tag :description,
;;   :attrs {},
;;   :content
;;   ("For some time after its birth, it grows by gaining nourishment from the seed on its back.")}
;;  {:tag :moves,
;;   :attrs {},
;;   :content
;;   ({:tag :move,
;;     :attrs {:type "level-up"},
;;     :content
;;     ({:tag :name, :attrs {}, :content ("Tackle")}
;;      {:tag :lvl, :attrs {}, :content ("1")})}
;;    {:tag :move,
;;     :attrs {:type "level-up"},
;;     :content
;;     ({:tag :name, :attrs {}, :content ("Growl")}
;;      {:tag :lvl, :attrs {}, :content ("3")})}
;;    {:tag :move,
;;     :attrs {:type "level-up"},
;;     :content
;;     ({:tag :name, :attrs {}, :content ("Leech Seed")}
;;      {:tag :lvl, :attrs {}, :content ("7")})}
;;    {:tag :move,
;;     :attrs {:type "level-up"},
;;     :content
;;     ({:tag :name, :attrs {}, :content ("Vine Whip")}
;;      {:tag :lvl, :attrs {}, :content ("9")})}
;;    {:tag :move,
;;     :attrs {:type "level-up"},
;;     :content
;;     ({:tag :name, :attrs {}, :content ("Poisonpowder")}
;;      {:tag :lvl, :attrs {}, :content ("13")})}
;;    {:tag :move,
;;     :attrs {:type "level-up"},
;;     :content
;;     ({:tag :name, :attrs {}, :content ("Sleep Powder")}
;;      {:tag :lvl, :attrs {}, :content ("13")})}
;;    {:tag :move,
;;     :attrs {:type "level-up"},
;;     :content
;;     ({:tag :name, :attrs {}, :content ("Take Down")}
;;      {:tag :lvl, :attrs {}, :content ("15")})}
;;    {:tag :move,
;;     :attrs {:type "level-up"},
;;     :content
;;     ({:tag :name, :attrs {}, :content ("Razor Leaf")}
;;      {:tag :lvl, :attrs {}, :content ("19")})}
;;    {:tag :move,
;;     :attrs {:type "level-up"},
;;     :content
;;     ({:tag :name, :attrs {}, :content ("Sweet Scent")}
;;      {:tag :lvl, :attrs {}, :content ("21")})}
;;    {:tag :move,
;;     :attrs {:type "level-up"},
;;     :content
;;     ({:tag :name, :attrs {}, :content ("Growth")}
;;      {:tag :lvl, :attrs {}, :content ("25")})}
;;    {:tag :move,
;;     :attrs {:type "level-up"},
;;     :content
;;     ({:tag :name, :attrs {}, :content ("Double-edge")}
;;      {:tag :lvl, :attrs {}, :content ("27")})}
;;    {:tag :move,
;;     :attrs {:type "level-up"},
;;     :content
;;     ({:tag :name, :attrs {}, :content ("Worry Seed")}
;;      {:tag :lvl, :attrs {}, :content ("31")})}
;;    {:tag :move,
;;     :attrs {:type "level-up"},
;;     :content
;;     ({:tag :name, :attrs {}, :content ("Synthesis")}
;;      {:tag :lvl, :attrs {}, :content ("33")})}
;;    {:tag :move,
;;     :attrs {:type "level-up"},
;;     :content
;;     ({:tag :name, :attrs {}, :content ("Seed Bomb")}
;;      {:tag :lvl, :attrs {}, :content ("37")})}
;;    {:tag :move,
;;     :attrs {:type "TM/HM"},
;;     :content
;;     ({:tag :machine, :attrs {}, :content ("TM")}
;;      {:tag :name, :attrs {}, :content ("Toxic")}
;;      {:tag :lvl, :attrs {}, :content ("06")})}
;;    {:tag :move,
;;     :attrs {:type "TM/HM"},
;;     :content
;;     ({:tag :machine, :attrs {}, :content ("TM")}
;;      {:tag :name, :attrs {}, :content ("Bullet Seed")}
;;      {:tag :lvl, :attrs {}, :content ("09")})}
;;    {:tag :move,
;;     :attrs {:type "TM/HM"},
;;     :content
;;     ({:tag :machine, :attrs {}, :content ("TM")}
;;      {:tag :name, :attrs {}, :content ("Hidden Power")}
;;      {:tag :lvl, :attrs {}, :content ("10")})}
;;    {:tag :move,
;;     :attrs {:type "TM/HM"},
;;     :content
;;     ({:tag :machine, :attrs {}, :content ("TM")}
;;      {:tag :name, :attrs {}, :content ("Sunny Day")}
;;      {:tag :lvl, :attrs {}, :content ("11")})}
;;    {:tag :move,
;;     :attrs {:type "TM/HM"},
;;     :content
;;     ({:tag :machine, :attrs {}, :content ("TM")}
;;      {:tag :name, :attrs {}, :content ("Protect")}
;;      {:tag :lvl, :attrs {}, :content ("17")})}
;;    {:tag :move,
;;     :attrs {:type "TM/HM"},
;;     :content
;;     ({:tag :machine, :attrs {}, :content ("TM")}
;;      {:tag :name, :attrs {}, :content ("Giga Drain")}
;;      {:tag :lvl, :attrs {}, :content ("19")})}
;;    {:tag :move,
;;     :attrs {:type "TM/HM"},
;;     :content
;;     ({:tag :machine, :attrs {}, :content ("TM")}
;;      {:tag :name, :attrs {}, :content ("Frustration")}
;;      {:tag :lvl, :attrs {}, :content ("21")})}
;;    {:tag :move,
;;     :attrs {:type "TM/HM"},
;;     :content
;;     ({:tag :machine, :attrs {}, :content ("TM")}
;;      {:tag :name, :attrs {}, :content ("Solarbeam")}
;;      {:tag :lvl, :attrs {}, :content ("22")})}
;;    {:tag :move,
;;     :attrs {:type "TM/HM"},
;;     :content
;;     ({:tag :machine, :attrs {}, :content ("TM")}
;;      {:tag :name, :attrs {}, :content ("Return")}
;;      {:tag :lvl, :attrs {}, :content ("27")})}
;;    {:tag :move,
;;     :attrs {:type "TM/HM"},
;;     :content
;;     ({:tag :machine, :attrs {}, :content ("TM")}
;;      {:tag :name, :attrs {}, :content ("Double Team")}
;;      {:tag :lvl, :attrs {}, :content ("32")})}
;;    {:tag :move,
;;     :attrs {:type "TM/HM"},
;;     :content
;;     ({:tag :machine, :attrs {}, :content ("TM")}
;;      {:tag :name, :attrs {}, :content ("Sludge Bomb")}
;;      {:tag :lvl, :attrs {}, :content ("36")})}
;;    {:tag :move,
;;     :attrs {:type "TM/HM"},
;;     :content
;;     ({:tag :machine, :attrs {}, :content ("TM")}
;;      {:tag :name, :attrs {}, :content ("Facade")}
;;      {:tag :lvl, :attrs {}, :content ("42")})}
;;    {:tag :move,
;;     :attrs {:type "TM/HM"},
;;     :content
;;     ({:tag :machine, :attrs {}, :content ("TM")}
;;      {:tag :name, :attrs {}, :content ("Secret Power")}
;;      {:tag :lvl, :attrs {}, :content ("43")})}
;;    {:tag :move,
;;     :attrs {:type "TM/HM"},
;;     :content
;;     ({:tag :machine, :attrs {}, :content ("TM")}
;;      {:tag :name, :attrs {}, :content ("Rest")}
;;      {:tag :lvl, :attrs {}, :content ("44")})}
;;    {:tag :move,
;;     :attrs {:type "TM/HM"},
;;     :content
;;     ({:tag :machine, :attrs {}, :content ("TM")}
;;      {:tag :name, :attrs {}, :content ("Attract")}
;;      {:tag :lvl, :attrs {}, :content ("45")})}
;;    {:tag :move,
;;     :attrs {:type "TM/HM"},
;;     :content
;;     ({:tag :machine, :attrs {}, :content ("TM")}
;;      {:tag :name, :attrs {}, :content ("Energy Ball")}
;;      {:tag :lvl, :attrs {}, :content ("53")})}
;;    {:tag :move,
;;     :attrs {:type "TM/HM"},
;;     :content
;;     ({:tag :machine, :attrs {}, :content ("TM")}
;;      {:tag :name, :attrs {}, :content ("Endure")}
;;      {:tag :lvl, :attrs {}, :content ("58")})}
;;    {:tag :move,
;;     :attrs {:type "TM/HM"},
;;     :content
;;     ({:tag :machine, :attrs {}, :content ("TM")}
;;      {:tag :name, :attrs {}, :content ("Flash")}
;;      {:tag :lvl, :attrs {}, :content ("70")})}
;;    {:tag :move,
;;     :attrs {:type "TM/HM"},
;;     :content
;;     ({:tag :machine, :attrs {}, :content ("TM")}
;;      {:tag :name, :attrs {}, :content ("Swords Dance")}
;;      {:tag :lvl, :attrs {}, :content ("75")})}
;;    {:tag :move,
;;     :attrs {:type "TM/HM"},
;;     :content
;;     ({:tag :machine, :attrs {}, :content ("TM")}
;;      {:tag :name, :attrs {}, :content ("Captivate")}
;;      {:tag :lvl, :attrs {}, :content ("78")})}
;;    {:tag :move,
;;     :attrs {:type "TM/HM"},
;;     :content
;;     ({:tag :machine, :attrs {}, :content ("TM")}
;;      {:tag :name, :attrs {}, :content ("Sleep Talk")}
;;      {:tag :lvl, :attrs {}, :content ("82")})}
;;    {:tag :move,
;;     :attrs {:type "TM/HM"},
;;     :content
;;     ({:tag :machine, :attrs {}, :content ("TM")}
;;      {:tag :name, :attrs {}, :content ("Natural Gift")}
;;      {:tag :lvl, :attrs {}, :content ("83")})}
;;    {:tag :move,
;;     :attrs {:type "TM/HM"},
;;     :content
;;     ({:tag :machine, :attrs {}, :content ("TM")}
;;      {:tag :name, :attrs {}, :content ("Grass Knot")}
;;      {:tag :lvl, :attrs {}, :content ("86")})}
;;    {:tag :move,
;;     :attrs {:type "TM/HM"},
;;     :content
;;     ({:tag :machine, :attrs {}, :content ("TM")}
;;      {:tag :name, :attrs {}, :content ("Swagger")}
;;      {:tag :lvl, :attrs {}, :content ("87")})}
;;    {:tag :move,
;;     :attrs {:type "TM/HM"},
;;     :content
;;     ({:tag :machine, :attrs {}, :content ("TM")}
;;      {:tag :name, :attrs {}, :content ("Substitute")}
;;      {:tag :lvl, :attrs {}, :content ("90")})}
;;    {:tag :move,
;;     :attrs {:type "TM/HM"},
;;     :content
;;     ({:tag :machine, :attrs {}, :content ("HM")}
;;      {:tag :name, :attrs {}, :content ("Cut")}
;;      {:tag :lvl, :attrs {}, :content ("1")})}
;;    {:tag :move,
;;     :attrs {:type "TM/HM"},
;;     :content
;;     ({:tag :machine, :attrs {}, :content ("HM")}
;;      {:tag :name, :attrs {}, :content ("Strength")}
;;      {:tag :lvl, :attrs {}, :content ("4")})}
;;    {:tag :move,
;;     :attrs {:type "TM/HM"},
;;     :content
;;     ({:tag :machine, :attrs {}, :content ("HM")}
;;      {:tag :name, :attrs {}, :content ("Rock Smash")}
;;      {:tag :lvl, :attrs {}, :content ("6")})}
;;    {:tag :move,
;;     :attrs {:type "egg"},
;;     :content ({:tag :name, :attrs {}, :content ("Amnesia")})}
;;    {:tag :move,
;;     :attrs {:type "egg"},
;;     :content ({:tag :name, :attrs {}, :content ("Charm")})}
;;    {:tag :move,
;;     :attrs {:type "egg"},
;;     :content ({:tag :name, :attrs {}, :content ("Curse")})}
;;    {:tag :move,
;;     :attrs {:type "egg"},
;;     :content ({:tag :name, :attrs {}, :content ("Grasswhistle")})}
;;    {:tag :move,
;;     :attrs {:type "egg"},
;;     :content ({:tag :name, :attrs {}, :content ("Ingrain")})}
;;    {:tag :move,
;;     :attrs {:type "egg"},
;;     :content ({:tag :name, :attrs {}, :content ("Leaf Storm")})}
;;    {:tag :move,
;;     :attrs {:type "egg"},
;;     :content ({:tag :name, :attrs {}, :content ("Light Screen")})}
;;    {:tag :move,
;;     :attrs {:type "egg"},
;;     :content ({:tag :name, :attrs {}, :content ("Magical Leaf")})}
;;    {:tag :move,
;;     :attrs {:type "egg"},
;;     :content ({:tag :name, :attrs {}, :content ("Nature Power")})}
;;    {:tag :move,
;;     :attrs {:type "egg"},
;;     :content ({:tag :name, :attrs {}, :content ("Petal Dance")})}
;;    {:tag :move,
;;     :attrs {:type "egg"},
;;     :content ({:tag :name, :attrs {}, :content ("Safeguard")})}
;;    {:tag :move,
;;     :attrs {:type "egg"},
;;     :content ({:tag :name, :attrs {}, :content ("Skull Bash")})})})}

This can get annoying as you get deeper in the structure, we can use a zipper instead.

zipper-demo.core> (def pokemon-zip (zip/xml-zip pokemon))
;; #'zipper-demo.core/pokemon-zip

zipper-demo.core> (-> pokemon-zip zip/down zip/right zip/node)

;;{:tag :pokemon,
;; :attrs {:id "1"},
;; :content
;; ({:tag :name, :attrs {}, :content ("BULBASAUR")}
;;  {:tag :type, :attrs {}, :content ("Grass")}
;;  {:tag :type, :attrs {}, :content ("Poison")}
;;  {:tag :ability, :attrs {}, :content ("Overgrow")}
;;  {:tag :exp, :attrs {}, :content ("1059860")}
;;  {:tag :stats,
;;   :attrs {},
;;   :content
;;   ({:tag :HP, :attrs {}, :content ("45")}
;;    {:tag :ATK, :attrs {}, :content ("49")}
;;    {:tag :DEF, :attrs {}, :content ("49")}
;;    {:tag :SPD, :attrs {}, :content ("45")}
;; ...

If you do any programming on the web you still find this convoluted compared to document.querySelector or document.querySelectorAll when working with the DOM. That's where clojure.data.xml.zip comes in.

xml-> is equivalent to document.querySelectorAll and xml1-> is equivalent to document.querySelector in that xml-> will return all elements that match a given predicate, xml1-> will only return the first one. The predicates can be chained and clojure.data.xml.zip provides a few helpers for common things like tag names or attribute values.

Say you wanted to get the name of the fist pokemon:

(zip/node (zip/down
     (zx/xml1-> pokemon-zip :pokemon :name)))

This matches all <name> tags inside <pokemon> tags and returns the first element. We use zip/down to move into the text-content location instead of returning the actual element location, then we use zip/node to turn the location we're at into a real value from the pokemon structure.

If you want the name of every pokemon you could do this:

zipper-demo.core> (map zip/node
                    (map zip/down
                      (zx/xml-> pokemon-zip :pokemon :name)))

;; ...

If you want to get the name of a pokemon by it's ID then you could do this:

(zip/node (zx/xml1-> pokemon-zip :pokemon (zx/attr= :id "2") :name))
;; #clojure.data.xml.Element{:tag :name, :attrs {}, :content ("IVYSAUR")}

Round-tripping XML

Now to get to the point of this whole post, round-tripping some XML. Suppose you have some XML containing an inventory of books that looks like this:

(def books
<?xml version=\"1.0\"?>
   <book id=\"bk101\">
      <author>Gambardella, Matthew</author>
      <title>XML Developer's Guide</title>
      <description>An in-depth look at creating applications 
      with XML.</description>
   <book id=\"bk102\">
      <author>Ralls, Kim</author>
      <title>Midnight Rain</title>
      <description>A former architect battles corporate zombies, 
      an evil sorceress, and her own childhood to become queen 
      of the world.</description>
   <book id=\"bk103\">
      <author>Corets, Eva</author>
      <title>Maeve Ascendant</title>
      <description>After the collapse of a nanotechnology 
      society in England, the young survivors lay the 
      foundation for a new society.</description>
   <book id=\"bk104\">
      <author>Corets, Eva</author>
      <title>Oberon's Legacy</title>
      <description>In post-apocalypse England, the mysterious 
      agent known only as Oberon helps to create a new life 
      for the inhabitants of London. Sequel to Maeve 
   <book id=\"bk105\">
      <author>Corets, Eva</author>
      <title>The Sundered Grail</title>
      <description>The two daughters of Maeve, half-sisters, 
      battle one another for control of England. Sequel to 
      Oberon's Legacy.</description>

and you have a map of ids and prices:

(def prices
  {:bk101 "44.95"
   :bk102 "12.50"
   :bk103 "24.20"
   :bk104 "4.20"
   :bk105 "45.00"})

You want to add a price tag to each book, with the price looked up from prices.

Let's start by turning the XML into a zipper.

(def books-as-elements (xml/parse-str books))
(def books-zipper (zip/xml-zip books-as-elements))

then we can use this tree edit function, it takes a zipper to edit, a predicate to tell it which nodes need to be edited and a edit function which takes a node and returns an edited node.

(defn tree-edit
  "Take a zipper, a function that matches a pattern in the tree,
   and a function that edits the current location in the tree.  Examine the tree
   nodes in depth-first order, determine whether the matcher matches, and if so
   apply the editor."
  [zipper matcher editor]
  (loop [loc zipper]
    (if (zip/end? loc)
      (zip/root loc)
      (if-let [matcher-result (matcher loc)]
        (let [new-loc (zip/edit loc editor)]
          (if (not (= (zip/node new-loc) (zip/node loc)))
            (recur (zip/next new-loc))))
        (recur (zip/next loc))))))

;; match predicate, all book tags
(defn match-book? [loc]
  (let [tag (:tag (zip/node loc))]
    ;; true if tag is of type <path>
    (= :book tag)))

;; edit function
(defn editor [node]
  (let [id (-> node :attrs :id keyword)
        new-content (conj
                     (:content node)
                     (xml/element :price {} (get prices id "0.0")))]
    (assoc-in node [:content] new-content)))

(def edited (tree-edit books-zipper match-book? editor))  


;; <catalog>
;;<book id="bk101">
;;<author>Gambardella, Matthew</author>
;;<title>XML Developer's Guide</title>
;;An in-depth look at creating applications with XML.

;; save it
(with-open [f (clojure.java.io/writer  "/tmp/books_with_prices.xml")]
  (xml/emit edited f))

If you want to play with this stuff yourself then the demo project is on github